Kotor Festival of Theatre for Children is gearing up for its 2017 edition! With a rich selection of the Main Theatre Program, we are preparing a handful of programs, workshops and surprises within Side program activities during the extended twenty days of the Festival (June 20 – July 12).
To achieve all this, we are opening a call for entries in the Side Program of Kotor Festival of Theatre for Children and invite you to join us in creating a magical town for children!
You may apply for individual selection in:
OFF program
- Professional theatre groups – theatre shows for children and youth;
- Amateur troops with years of experience whose members are adults – theatre shows for children and youth;
Children stage work
- Groups focused on the areas of performing arts, and whose performers are children and youth (dancing, acting, performance, ballet ...);
To achieve all this, we are opening a call for entries in the Side Program of Kotor Festival of Theatre for Children and invite you to join us in creating a magical town for children!
You may apply for individual selection in:
OFF program
- Professional theatre groups – theatre shows for children and youth;
- Amateur troops with years of experience whose members are adults – theatre shows for children and youth;
Children stage work
- Groups focused on the areas of performing arts, and whose performers are children and youth (dancing, acting, performance, ballet ...);
Youth stage
- Amateur groups and high school drama clubs;
-Professional drama groups whose show deals with themes appropriate for youth;
Music program
-Music groups whose performers are children (choir, bend, orchestra...);
- Children soloists;
- professional music groups performing music for children;
Visual arts program
-Art schools or art sections - exhibition of children's works;
-Individuals under 18 years old who create in the field of Visual arts;
-Professional artists who exhibits works intended or appropriate for children.
Inclusive program
-Groups and associations working various art forms involving persons with special needs.
Film program
-Short, full-length, feature, animated or documentary film intended for children or youth.
Applications can be sent until 20 April 2017 to the e-mail address [email protected]
The application form can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
Be sure to specify for which category you are applying.
All applicants are obligated to submit, a video of the program (min 20 min) via link (YouTube, Vimeo, WeTransfer…).
The result of the final selection will be announced on Festival's official website on May 15th, 2017, at the latest.
Kotor Festival of Theatre for Children also announces a call for entries to all professionals prominent in their field who wish to participate in the educational program of the 25th Festival jubilee as educator in workshops for children or professionals. Please send your CV and short summary of your workshop to the e-mail address [email protected], with subject stating FOR EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM.
Festival also invites all literary creators for children who wish to present their work as a part of Literary program of our Festival to send their CV to the e-mail address [email protected] with subject stating FOR LITERARY PROGRAM.
With a hope that you will be interested to participate in this year's Kotor fairy tale, we send you best regards.
If you have additional questions, please contact the Festival's Directorate.
- Amateur groups and high school drama clubs;
-Professional drama groups whose show deals with themes appropriate for youth;
Music program
-Music groups whose performers are children (choir, bend, orchestra...);
- Children soloists;
- professional music groups performing music for children;
Visual arts program
-Art schools or art sections - exhibition of children's works;
-Individuals under 18 years old who create in the field of Visual arts;
-Professional artists who exhibits works intended or appropriate for children.
Inclusive program
-Groups and associations working various art forms involving persons with special needs.
Film program
-Short, full-length, feature, animated or documentary film intended for children or youth.
Applications can be sent until 20 April 2017 to the e-mail address [email protected]
The application form can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
Be sure to specify for which category you are applying.
All applicants are obligated to submit, a video of the program (min 20 min) via link (YouTube, Vimeo, WeTransfer…).
The result of the final selection will be announced on Festival's official website on May 15th, 2017, at the latest.
Kotor Festival of Theatre for Children also announces a call for entries to all professionals prominent in their field who wish to participate in the educational program of the 25th Festival jubilee as educator in workshops for children or professionals. Please send your CV and short summary of your workshop to the e-mail address [email protected], with subject stating FOR EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM.
Festival also invites all literary creators for children who wish to present their work as a part of Literary program of our Festival to send their CV to the e-mail address [email protected] with subject stating FOR LITERARY PROGRAM.
With a hope that you will be interested to participate in this year's Kotor fairy tale, we send you best regards.
If you have additional questions, please contact the Festival's Directorate.
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