Dear friends, big and small, we know that you are eagerly waiting for us to share with you all the performances that will mark this year's Festival, and we will not keep you in suspense any longer.
We inform you that the following plays have been selected for the competition part of the main program of the 31st Kotor Theater Festival for Children:
We inform you that the following plays have been selected for the competition part of the main program of the 31st Kotor Theater Festival for Children:
- Mogućnost zabavljanja kod ptica / Do birds have the capacity for fun?
- Snežna kraljica / The snow queen
- Mulan / Mulan
- Polja nježnosti / Fields of tender
- Agi i Ema / Agi and Emma
- Kada je sve bilo zeleno / When all was green
- Gospodin i gospođa KRAFT – priča o papirnim maskama / Mr & Mrs KRAFT – a story of paper masks
- Ronja, kći razbojnika / Ronja, daughter of a robber
- Alma / Alma
- Zašto ih nije briga / Why don't they care
- Bajka o elektricitetu / An electricity fairy tale
The revue part of the main program of the 31st Kotor Children's Theater Festival is the opening program of the Festival:
- Zamislite, djeco… / Children, can you imagine...
As well as other show:
- LAGARIJE – čas o surogatu / MAKE-BELIEVE a lecture on substitutes
- (Ne) pričaj mi bajke / Do (not) tell me fairy tales
- Pjeva mi se pjesma: Orkestra Pokoloka / I feel like singing: Orkestra Pocoloca
Čekamo vas od 2. do 12. jula u Kotoru!
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